Trip to Tiger Mountain
Trip to Tiger Mountain

Trip to Tiger Mountain

Photo by Tim Costello, used with permissionAt Vista (my new school), I have been to a number of awesome field trips, the longest one so far lasting two days (Camp Colman). The one I would like to talk about is the trip to Tiger Mountain, in courtesy of learning about the Mountains to Sound Greenway. We first took a long bus ride. When we got there, the path was blocked off, so we had to *groan* walk up the path instead of taking the bus the rest of the way. Our guide lead us to a “learning shelter” (a bunch of benches under a shelter-like roof) and we split up into groups. We had multiple “stops” and questions to answer at those stops. We said “Cheese Whiz” whenever we saw something interesting, and there was lots of “Cheese Whizzes”. Of the things we found, a hollow, charred tree that was struck by lightning; a mutated tree (one tree near the top, two tree trunks joining together at the  bottom; a pink mushroom growing on a tree; and quite a bit of shelf fungi. The different groups got together at a roundabout with multiple benches, had snacks, then played an exuberating game of “Toss the Vista Water Bottle”. We then did a little activity about what plants/animals could live in this area, then we trekked back to the bus, which took a while. On the bus, we ate our lunches and came back for another 3 hours of school!