Bruce Harold Oliver was born on 1/10/98 at 9:33PM. He was 9 pounds, 12 ounces (4480 grams), 21 inches (1km) long, with the biggest hands the midwife has ever seen.
I, Werewolf
A short story by Bruce Oliver, produced during the Creating Writing camp at Open Window summer camp.
Marshmallow Molecules
A science project I had to do in class about atomic molecules. It shows the different elements on the left side (including carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, …
Piano Recital
Bruce performed at his teacher’s piano recital on the weekend. Get the Flash Player to see this video. The first piece is Sea Winds by …
Bruce’s Sailing Trip
Bruce’s class took a week-long trip aboard this 61′ yawl, making stops in the San Juans at Stuart Island, Jones Island, Sucia, and Cypress Island. …