Doune Castle
Doune Castle

Doune Castle

Doune CastleThe theme of our trip was Monty Python, and Doune Castle was a great find: all the castle interiors in the Holy Grail movie, and many exterior ones, were shot here.

Here’s the back of the castle, where you don’t want to be taunted a second time!

_NIK3493-EditThe gift shop sold coconuts! And an audio tour with both historical and Monty Python-specific details for each location. Here’s Dave, listening to details in the Great Hall. According to the guide, they only had a few days to shoot, so they used castle visitors as extras in the wedding scene!

We were able to climb several turrets, get onto the ramparts, and see multiple intact public and private rooms. One of the best-preserved castles I’ve ever toured!

As we watched Holy Grail again back home, it had a whole new, wonderful context.