Graduation Blues
Graduation Blues

Graduation Blues

UCLA Bruins blue, that is, everywhere this weekend!

Bruce graduated from the College of Letters & Science on Friday, then walked the stage as part of the Psychology Department ceremonies early Saturday morning. Here he is, in the middle of a crowd, about to take his seat — can you find him? (Click image for full-sized version)

He still has a summer quarter to go, as he voluntarily adds a Linguistics minor to his degree, in hopes of a better shot at graduate school. But the linguistics classes he’s taken so far, as part of his Cognitive Science major, are convincing him to push forward. These two friends, Lilly, left, and Kavya, right, were his classmates and Friday night buddies, off to pursue careers in psychology & linguistics, respectively. They are displaying their inside-joke cap decorations from a Perception class.

And now, it is time for the parental look back in time, as we think about the long path our boy has taken to get to this point. Congratulations, Bruce, you’re on your own adventure now. It’s been a delight to see you through to adulthood!

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