Guemes Retreat
Guemes Retreat

Guemes Retreat

InstagramCapture_5b9e9bf6-e466-41de-a9c4-2b58817a7348My brother & sister-in-law are here on Guemes for a month! They’re trying an extended stay that blends vacation with working remotely, using a different view and a rural setting to contrast with their normal, very walkable urban neighborhood.
AdobePhotoshopExpress_47672ebca53c4677bb8df151f5c1ff8d Just one beach walk in, above, led to this pebble collection! It’s going to need some refining, or there won’t be a beach left when they leave!

Their verdict after a week: “Another day in paradise” — we’ve had a very nice, warm spring.

Here, they’re heading out to explore the exposed tidelines, so much more easily accessible during the summer.

We’re enjoying visiting them each weekend, topping up their supplies, catching up on many conversations, and sharing the mental retreat that this island provides.

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