Bruce traded the warmth of Los Angeles for a week of drizzle with us. We started with a dinner at Ray’s Cafe, looking west across Puget Sound. See, there’s a bit of a break in the clouds!
Ray’s has been a great seafood stop for us during our time in Seattle, but it’s coming to a close, and we wanted to stop by one more time and say goodbye before it’s gone.
Keeping with the food theme, I made sure to hit the grocery store before Bruce showed up. Well, that was a lot more fun than the usual run! Cinnamon rolls, ice cream sandwiches, ramen, interesting soda flavors, breakfast cereal — all ready for a still-teenage-kinda-adult appetite. It was put to good use, as Bruce caught up with video games, piano playing, and friends in town. And if it’s not all gone, we’ll take care of it — I have my eye on the salted caramel ice cream bars, dude.
Today, it was back to the airport to see him through security, back to the sun and his third quarter at UCLA. It will be done & summer before we know it…