When the election news was overwhelming, on top of the pandemic numbers, we had a sudden realization: we could switch things up. We are Canadian citizens, and we participate in a shared property up in Whistler BC. Could we escape there, and would that help us?
Yes, we could, and yes it would, so we did.

In early October, we loaded up the car with a LOT of supplies, and headed north. The positives: Dave could visit his mother, normally an easy and regular trip from Seattle, but not true since March. And Bruce, now in Vancouver, could visit as needed.
On the downside: it starts with a rigorously enforced 2-week quarantine, and comes with a side serving of early winter!
Another of the owners had made a similar discovery. When they found themselves visiting last winter to ski, a regular trip for them, while everything was shutting down, they decided to just — stay. They were here through the summer, returning home a few weeks before we arrived, but left us with plenty of tips, on how to have meals and groceries delivered, even clothes as needed.

It turns out, in this remote new world, life works pretty well if your Internet connection is good enough. Dave is working remotely, alternating with vacation days; Liz is getting art made, thanks to a small portable studio setup; and Bruce can take classes here when he visits. Regular calls, video or voice, help us keep up with family and friends.

And the view, of trees and mountains, is just a little different (quieter!) than the city, with the bonus of a visiting bear, prior to hibernation. He came by our back deck regularly, always hopefully sniffing the barbecue. I spent too much time catching my breath, trying not to yell, and notifying the household, to catch him face on.
We are taking lots of factors into account before we head back: infection rates in Seattle, ease of travel here, and obligations and packages building up at home. For now, though, we’ll bundle up through the holiday season, to spend it with our boy, before putting a border between us again.