On Wednesday the 17th, me and my dad went to see Women’s Downhill Finals at Whistler Creekside. After a nice uphill walk (read: struggle) that burned 150 calories, we waited an hour to get through security, until finally, we made it to the standing area. Unlike Ski Jumping, there were many, many crashes, including Swede Anja Paerson, who did not land the final jump and spectacularily (albeit painfully) crashed, taking out a gate and ejecting both skis along the way. The gold medalist was the beautiful Lindsey Vonn, an American and amazing skiier who took out all competition. We didn’t see many “minus” times after Lindsey performed her run! She was interviewed on the spot, and it was evident that she was extremely happy. We left after a poor girl crashed into the netting and caused a huge delay. She was airlifted out after we left, so this event ended on a sour note.